Relaxation Massage focuses on releasing bodily tension through gentle, repetitive strokes, or Light-Touch. Even though Relaxation Massage is much lighter and gentler than deeper forms of bodywork, it can relieve stress and provide a sense of release and energy.
In some cases, Light-Touch massage is the only option for clients. We strongly recommend this technique if you have a restrictive medical condition or have a generally low pain tolerance. Medical reasons aside, anyone can enjoy the benefits of Relaxation Massage to find an escape from daily routines, obligations and stress.
Body Integration offers a customized therapeutic massage experience, personalized to your unique needs. Therapeutic massage may assist recovery from accidents or illness, and may provide relief from chronic pain, stress, or tension. It may also be a covered health or auto insurance benefit.
Find Out MoreMassage Therapy for Couples is a pleasant way to bring adventure and intimacy to your relationship, in a serene and non-threatening environment. Body Integration is pleased to provide two variations of this service: simultaneous Couples Massage , or Guided Four Hand Massage for Couples.
Find Out MoreMassage therapy is not "one size fits all." Our licensed therapeutic massage professionals recognize that you are unique and may have special needs.
We at Body Integration readily adjust to your unique condition, lifestyle, or environment.