Code of Ethics
Responsibility: We are responsible for the comfort and safety of our clients. Boundaries: We work in appropriate professional boundaries and readjust our limits to accommodate each client. Your personal physical, emotional, and mental safety zones guide all our sessions. Together, we can establish a perimeter of your personal boundary space before a session to ensure your comfort.
Facilitation: We do not fix your problem and we do not have all the correct answers. We are facilitators in the growth for your own healing process of pain. The healing itself is the responsibility of our clients.
Information: We counsel you as to a) the goals and purpose of the session; b) the possible consequences of the treatment; c) the risks involved; d) the possible benefits of a treatment; e) time of the treatment; f) costs and ways of your payment.
Confidentiality: A client’s information (written and verbal) belongs to you, the client. Conversations that occur during a session will not be repeated or included in the chart notes other than to describe your physical condition.
Consent: You make the decision as to whether you want an offered service or refuse a treatment. You have the right to refuse the service for any reason, at any time. If you determine that the session should be stopped right in the middle, your needs will be respected. Be aware that a session interrupted before completion may cause a problem in the financial agreement. This same right also applies for your practitioner. We can end a session at any time, for any reason.